Vocational training

Persons with mental retardation can learn different vocational and can be employed. However there is attitudinal barrier, a common tendency to under estimate the capabilities of these people. Potential jobs can be manual, unskilled or semi-skilled, depending on the capabilities of the individual. It should be remembered that such gainful occupation is not only possible but also helpful for the mental health, self-satisfaction, and social status of these individuals.

The main aim of the organization is to rehabilitate with different trades and add them to the main stream of the society. It offers Vocational Training to Adults with: Intellectual Disability by proper evaluation of their strength and needs.

According to this, we had opened a Vocational Training Centre (VTC) for the persons with intellectual Disability. In priority basis, we trained them in:

Ø  Detergent preparation

Ø  Candle Making

Ø  Preparation of NILA

Ø  Preparation of Phenyl


The organization proposed to trained other such programmes  like :


v    Envelope  making

v    Spices & Leaf Plate making etc

v    Tailoring


25 no’s of children was continuing their training during this session. We proposed to cater training to 100 no’s. of person’s for next financial year.