Welcome To Jibanjyoti Welfare Association for Mentally and Physically Handicapped
In Super Cyclone 1999, that’s decimated its super structure to dust and pain stakingly, started from the search again and shifted the venue of location from Salei to Kathagada of Dhenkanal Dist. With co-operation of Golden Heart Smt. Ranjana Chopra (I.A.S.) the then Collector, Dhenkanal.
Initially the new born Institution started a Special School with 35no’s of children and 13nos of dedicated staffs for the cause of Mentally Challenged. Now it’s growing with more than 50no’s of staffs and 160no’s of children with Intellectual disability, Cerebral Palsied and Vocational trainees. Professional Education in the field of disability is one of the priority areas of focus. The Organization has established Special Education College on its name Jibanjyoti college of special Education. Currently it conducts Diploma Level Courses in areas Disability. R.C.I has recognized OR09 for the above purpose,